文件类别 同步课堂
文件大小 46.77M
发布时间 2013/7/25
总下载量 2573
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Unit01[What Is Our Life Like]Unit02[How Many Terms Do You Have in a School Year]Unit03[Let's Go Further]Unit04[What Can You Do]Unit05[What Can the Robot Do]Unit06[Let's Go Further]Unit07[Let's Go to the Flower Show]Unit08[We Mustn't Pick the Flowers]Unit09[Let's Go Further]Unit10[Where Are You Going On Holiday]Unit11[How Are You Going There]Unit12[Let's Go Further]Unit13[They Are Going to the Zoo]Unit14[They Are Visiting the Zoo]Unit15[Let's Go Further]Unit16[Could You Tell Me the Way to the Zoo]Unit17[Where Is the School Canteen]Unit18[Let's Go Further]
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